Macpostfactor El Capitan

Download El Capitan OS X is also significant since it’s the last version of Apple Mac OS X released as its successor Sierra was released in the year 2016 under the brand macOS. El Capitan latest version. El Capitan 10.11.6 is now released as the latest version of Download El Capitan. For OS X El Capitan users this update is recommended. MacPostFactor also supports installing OSX versions up to OSX 10.10 Yosemite on older Macs. And a new version that supports installing OSX 10.11 ElCapitan is in the.

  • MLPostFactor has been succeeded/replaced by MacPostFactor, and is now being updated by a new crew of programmers. MacPostFactor also supports installing OSX versions up to OSX 10.10 Yosemite on older Macs. And a new version that supports installing OSX 10.11 ElCapitan is in the works.
  • A minor 'bug-fix' update to MacPostFactor v2.0. MacPostFactor (formerly known as MLPostFactor) is a simple macOS app designed to help you bypass macOS' hardware limitations and install Mountain Lion, Mavericks or Yosemite on devices that are NOT officially supported. If you need to install macOS Sierra or macOS High Sierra on an unsupported.

Question :

I read somewhere that it is possible to install the latest version of OSX 10.10 Yosemite on my Mac, even though the official installer refuses to install.

Can you give me any directions ?

Answer :

Installing newer versions of OSX on slightly older Macs that do not meet the official system requirements can be done using MacPostFactor (MCPF).

MacPostFactor also supports installing OSX versions up to OSX 10.10 Yosemite on older Macs. And a new version that supports installing OSX 10.11 El_Capitan is in the works.

For more info (and downloads), go to the info page on :

or see the (less readable) official page of the MacPostFactor team :

…in short :



…that should be it !

enjoy !


OS X However, Apple did not support booting the bit kernel in Macs that shipped with EFI32 firmware, even if they had bit processors capable of running the bit kernel. It makes sure that System file permissions are automatically protected, and updated during Software Updates.

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The Repair Permissions function is no longer available and access to system files that we need to use in this thread may be locked. We strive to push your Mac Model to its limit without compromising its usefulness. We look at everything from Graphics to Battery.

Your Mac will not be stifle by its shortcomings but will do things Apple never though it could do efficiently. The software we advertise are open source. If you need to add things like Kernel Extensions, you can. Users can even ask the developers to make custom built builds of their software. This mean your Mac will always get the latest Kernel, Bootloader, and script changes. Installing on these models may cause them to have graphical issues as stated in these pages. Click Here to Download Older Versions.

This is a simple GUI application that allows you to easily create a modified install drive to use for installing macOS Catalina on unsupported Macs. View Guide. All credits go to him. Email Support may not be replied to in a timely manner. Not all unsupported Macs are capable of using this patch. We are more than happy to accept new developers and people who want to help push OS X Hackers forward. We look for both promising developers willing to challenge their minds to macOSE and MCPF users who have the free time to help others succeed with their legacy Macs.

All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. History OS X MacPostFactor Discontinued. Want the predecessor, MLPostFactor? Join Us. This is a great piece of software which will edit and install later OSX versions onto older Mac hardware with pretty much only one or two clicks.

Show Credits.This thread focuses on OS X Mavericks. Graphics Acceleration on Mavericks, Yosemite, and El Capitan is not supported yet but this thread consists of many graphical workarounds. Installing on these models may cause them to have graphical issues as stated in these pages.

Kexts are provided to help a little bit. This thread consists of members prominent in these patches that can help you solve your issues. Please do not hesitate to post if you have questions. Zarniwoop's Thread here. We will not contact them either. Confrontation has occurred both publicly and privately in MacRumors, the site, and other forms of communications and we don't want anything to do with them and their Mac Models.

Your post will be requested to be moved to their thread. Tested Macs listed below.

Macpostfactor el capitan

fixed : install OSX 10.11 El_Capitan on unsupported Macs


Here are the minimum requirements: - Running Be sure to have root privileges administrator password as OS X will prompt you for this on some stage. Make sure your Mac meets the Requirements above 5. Install macOS Extractor. The AutoPatch Tool will unmount that when its done. During the AutoPatch installation. If the Mac does not reboot to the Mavericks desktop boot to the installation drive again and perform the following. These will better the graphics by a little but you will not have Graphics Acceleration.

Still in beta so they may not work well 1. Open the 'Kexts' Folder 3. Choose your Graphics Card Kext Installer and launch it. Install it. Admin privileges required 5.

Your Macbook may not be able to wake from a display sleep. We are not liable if your computer explodes, fail to wake you up for work, lose important files, pictures, porn or simply ceased to work.

Always backup your existing installation before installing MacPostFactor or install in a second partition.It works through a combination of a highly customized installer, a replaced set of drivers and various frameworks, and the original installation app from the App Store. No particular or in-depth knowledge of Mac or OSX is required to use this.

The only tricky part is to actually get the install app from the App Store of the OSX version you want to install. The App Store does not allow you to download the app on a Macbook that does not support it, so you'll have to be a bit creative. It is not a problem if the OSX on that Mac is newer than the version you want to download. You'll get a warning but the download will continue. If you use an USB media, it's best to 'compress' the app before copying to ensure all files remain in place: right-click the app, then click Compress.

This will create a ZIP file in the current folder. Installing OSX as a virtual machine will also allow you to download the installer app from within that VM. Blog Projects About. Revive your old Macbook with MacPostFactor.

Doing so will most likely make your system unbootable. You may need to use another Mac that supports the version of OS X you want to install in order to be able to download the app directly from the App Store. See below for more tips on how to get the install app. Place the install app in the Applications.

Otherwise MacPostFactor won't find it. Start MacPostFactor and follow the on-screen instructions. The application will automatically determine which versions of OS X can be installed on your hardware. If you select to install to an external drive, the installer will create a bootable installation media, allowing you to perform an installation on another system. Selecting the volume on an internal drive will perform a clean install on that volume.

Keep in mind that When the installation has succesfully completed, you will be prompted to reboot. In case of an install to a local disk, you can restart the system to boot into the new system. You will then go through the first run wizard, like on a normal Mac. If you've done the installation to an external USB media, you can remove the media and use that to install the modified OSX version on another system.

Ironically this breeds more conflict.I read somewhere that it is possible to install the latest version of OSX And a new version that supports installing OSX For more info and downloadsgo to the info page on MacRumors. PhotoBooth, Little Snitch.

MacPostFactor Downloads

You should follow the step-by-step instructions above, but just to give a quick impression of the routine :. I install 2 Partitions on my HDD. I select the Install Partition and do it. After installing my Mac does not restart, i take this manuell and i becom No Entry Sign on my Screen. Whats that OPlease help me! Launchpad doesnt even open. My Specs are Late Macbook White. My name is Isiah Johnson, and I was contacting on the correction to the original post. To my knowledge, all OSX If you have a TimeMachine backup, I would suggest reinstalling your latest working backup.

And if you dare, you can see what happens when you try another attempt of installing the security update. However, it seems a little odd that the security update would corrupt MLPF. Could it be your harddisk is getting old and unreliable maybe? Is it possible to install OS X Install App not found in application folder although it is definitely there.


So you should install MacOSX Macbook 2. For more info, please see the original post and follow the links provided. Still, if hardware components of older unsupported Macs have never been used in newer officially supported Macs also, chances are that Apple never made drivers to support those components in newer versions of OSX, and compatibility will therefore never be possible, since Apple is the only one making those drivers…. Hi, I have macbook pro3.

After restarting I see logo on white screen and rolling wheel under, just before entering mac restarting, again and again, this process is looping. What can be wrong? I had already repacked it. Have a look in MacTracker for more details on this. So, should I back up to And installing from here?

I requirements listed — I should have already installed OSX I have a mid macbook santa rosa edition 4 gb ram, core 2 duo with mhz system bus and intel x Right now i have os x mountain lion running on him quite smooth actually. I use this laptop for browsing, torrents, movies and youtube. If i install maverick on him will i be able to watch movies on him? Or because of the video card it will run badly?

A new or newer one is scheduled at the end of the year, for the mean time for what i am doing what i have is enough :. First i used mlpostfactor but i had to edit the system plist to show me With the macpostfactor everything worked a lot smother and my macbook is on Reboot and automagically OS X Mountain Lion will be running on the older Macs, breathing new life into older hardware.

The requirements are basically such that if it supports Lion, it will now support Mountain Lion. Do note that some of the older Mac Pro and Xserve models have specific GPU requirements as well, so be sure to read the full MLPostFactor tutorial before beginning in order to determine if there is anything incompatible with the specific Mac model you are looking to install this on.

Enjoy this tip? Subscribe to the OSXDaily newsletter to get more of our great Apple tips, tricks, and important news delivered to your inbox! Enter your email address below:. I just succeeded installing However, the older MLPostFactor 0. The biggest difficulty was installing the latest So, when, after installing If you accidentally install the security update, your After that, you can boot If there is a chance then please explain how and where thecurse files.

OS X Yosemite on Unsupported Macs [OS X Hackers]

MLPostFactor does not run on supports. Mac OS X The OS also doesnt talk to its hardware which gives a grey and temporary frozen sceen instead of a sleepmode.

And an external display will not be recognised. Apple tries to innovate with both hardware and its OS. Optimizing effects for the latest graphic cards, and tweaking the OS to make it run as smooth as possible.

Macpostfactor El Capitan Download

To make use of new hardware. This results in older hardware being left behind. But this old hardware does it very well on older versions of the OS.

Or buy one with the specs that can handle the latest versions of its OS. Most post models. Most post models can do it. You can get Users who have already upgraded to ML previously will find the download for ML if they open the App Store app and look at the Purchases tab. I have a macbook with MLPostFactor does not run on that os version. What should i do? Why would you want to recommend installing Mountain Lion on older Macs?

Mountain Lion is better than Lion, and some of the Macs that support This is likely because of the improved graphics drivers, and other improvements.

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Macpostfactor El Capitan Error

I have two Mac minis at home mid, late that run great on Mountain Lion.By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. Ask Different is a question and answer site for power users of Apple hardware and software. It only takes a minute to sign up. I also installed the NoSleep extension, the Software Update Patcher not before learning the hard waythe AirDrop Enabler, and the System Font extension which changes the system font to the one used by the Apple Watch.

In order to enable the kexts, I had to pull up KextDropper and enter this in the Terminal:. Everything including Time Machine : worked fine without modification after the update to However, I did mention: 'not before learning the hard way' In order to get to this version number, I had to update from Then, I rebooted into the fully-functioning This, of course, was the easy part.

Macpostfactor El Capitan

I have now encountered the difficult part. What I am here to ask about is something that occurred after my update to When I updated to I checked the boot arguments, and that revealed nothing. I don't know what happened. The last link was one of the first solutions I tested - Voodoo audio kext s weren't able to fix this :.

Hello I've the solution. Download this audio kext. Drag the two files AppleHDA. I have the same computer, there is no hw acceleration for the gma x drivers you are using. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Unsupported Macbook 4,1 on Ask Question. Asked 3 years, 7 months ago. Active 1 year, 10 months ago. Viewed 7k times. Active Oldest Votes. Guillaume Duchemin Guillaume Duchemin 36 1 1 bronze badge.

From where do the kexts originate? I did a similar kext-replacement operation to get the audio working for What version number are the kexts 'Get Info' - Finder? Hey - I made it back to Besides being unable to play Minecraft anymore OpenGL?

Still can't change the screen brightness, but that's minor. Are your kexts version 2.GitHub is home to over 40 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together.

If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. If nothing happens, download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio and try again. This thread focuses on OS X Yosemite. Graphics Acceleration on Mavericks and Yosemite is not supported yet but this thread consists of many graphical workarounds.

Macpostfactor El Capitan Download

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Installing on these models may cause them to have graphical issues as stated in these pages. Kexts are provided to help a little bit. This thread consists of members prominent in these patches that can help you solve your issues. Please do not hesitate to post if you have questions. OS X However, Apple did not support booting the bit kernel in Macs that shipped with EFI32 firmware, even if they had bit processors capable of running the bit kernel.

Fortunately, we have found a work around for these version of OS X. Zarniwoop's Thread here. We will not contact them either. Confrontation has occurred both publicly and privately in MacRumors, the site, and other forms of communications and we don't want anything to do with them and their Mac Models.

It simple don't ask Mac Pro questions to people who don't have Mac Pros :p. Your post will be requested to be moved to their thread. Be sure to have root privileges administrator password as OS X will prompt you for this on some stage. If the Mac does not reboot to the Yosemite desktop boot to the install-drive again and perform the following. These will better the graphics by a little but you will not have Graphics Acceleration.

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Still in beta so they may not work well 1 open the KextUtility. Don't forget to drop in the AppleHDA. We are not liable if your computer explode, fail to wake you up for work, lose important files, pictures, porn or simply ceased to work. Always backup your existing installation before installing MacPostFactor or install in a second partition.